Kitchen Cabinets


Kitchen Cabinets

Cabinets & Granite Direct is the most trusted provider of kitchen cabinets in the GTA. Our team consists of experienced professionals with extensive skills in kitchen cabinet installation. With our services the only thing you need to worry about is choosing a product from our wide range of options. We sell prefabricated cabinets flexible enough to be fitted into any space.

There is no need to wait for weeks since our warehouse in Mississauga allows us to deliver products as needed. All our raw materials are sourced from trusted suppliers with whom we have built relationships over the years. We prefer dealing with our clients directly and don’t involve any subcontractors. Our company’s goal is to provide nothing but the best to our clients so they receive a practical and aesthetically pleasing kitchen that fits their budget.

Types of Kitchen Cabinets

Cabinets play a vital part in any kitchen design, as they help create an ambiance while providing storage solutions. They should match the décor of the room while reflecting your style. From traditional to modern, there is a cabinet style to suit any design.

Traditional Kitchen Cabinets

Traditional or classically-styled cabinets remain one of the most popular styles to date. Typically, they feature more detail, mainly in the form of beadboard designs, elaborate profiles or raised panel doors. Their colours range from creams and whites to tans, reds and other similar warm tones. Other features include:

Detailed craftsmanship

Eye-catching crown moulding

Natural materials with classic stains and colours

Transitional Kitchen Cabinets

Transitional cabinets are the chameleons of the cabinet world as they blend in with both traditional and modern designs. They are a great choice for homeowners who don’t want to be confined to one style. Their main features include:

Neutral colour palettes

Clean lines

A flat crown moulding or none at all

Modern Kitchen Cabinets

Modern kitchen cabinets emphasize efficiency, simple hardware, minimal ornamentation and clean lines. They are a popular choice for small kitchens and offer a streamlined look that fits in well with modern stainless-steel appliances. They are characterized by:

Slab doors/flat panels

Modern or industrial lighting


A combination of manufactured and natural materials